A typical academy day

The School Day Begins

The school gates are opened at 8.40am. Children are expected to be inside the main playground by 8:55am allowing time to reach their classrooms and begin the day promptly by 9.00am. Children attending Early Years use the Early Years entrance.

Uniform Expectations

Uniform is compulsory for all year groups from Nursery to Year 6.

All uniform must be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Uniform with the school logo can be purchased from Trutex Hackney (Crossbow). If you are having any issues regarding your child’s uniform, please speak to the academy office.


Assemblies are held every Friday.


KS1: 10.15-10.30am
KS2: 10.45-11.00am


Early Years and Foundation Stage begin their lunch at 11:55am.

Lunchtime for KS1 is from 12:00pm.
Lunchtime for KS2 is from 12:30pm.

The School Day Ends

The school gates remain closed until 3.30pm. Children are assembled in the playground and dismissed.
This ensures the safeguarding of all children who are able to be collected safely by their parents and carers from the class teacher.

Extended Services

Breakfast Club is open from 7.30am each morning providing children with breakfast and activities before school. There is a small daily charge for this. If you would like your child to attend the Breakfast Club, please enquire at the main office regarding the most up to date costings and availability.

Additionally, children have the opportunity to sign up to a variety of after-school enrichment activities which finish at 4.50pm. Please enquire in the main office as to how to sign your child up to these activities.